"I thought that he was a very articulate young man and he seems to be well educated on the arts of music, and so many artists of today don't necessarily take the time to do the research and put the work into it, but this young man seems as if he gets it, he understands it, and its showing through his music, and even the fact that he mentioned the 3 albums that he had, and the stages that they go through in life, means that he understands the process. I am thrilled that he understands to the point where its showing through his craft, and it is showing through his art, and I enjoyed the music a lot... The level of intensity, the cleverness of how he uses the words. Too many times, simple words can be rhymed and put into a sentence to make it sound like it makes sense, but this young man is taking the thought, and taking the thought into the artistic measures that he has shown. I think that he is a great talent. I am looking to see some great things from (G)nosis, and I am definitely going to be following his career." ~Mr. D (The Power of Music - Live Radio Show Interview)
BUZZ MUSIC - ThisIsGnosis Reminds Us to Love One Another in, "Race Erase"
LA Enthusiast - ThisIsGnosis Shatters Barriers Through Pulsating, Revelatory New Works
(G)nosis - “Blessings” (LIVE Set During SXSW Week)
Evergroove LIVE! Present: (G)nosis — Storyteller Set / Full Album